Since covid-19 I realize, I can not eat outside sometimes; because I am afraid with the corona virus. So, I am trying to make something nice and simple to cook at home. Even I know, I hate to stay longer time in the kitchen. That is why I always told to myself, I am miss lazy in the kitchen but I want to share you simple recipe how to cook bean scramble egg. Quotes how the day, “Cook, eat and alive; that can’t prediction; simple try to survive then sickness. You will never get anything while sick!” – Citra Pandiangan
Hello, how are you? Today, I am Citra Pandiangan wants to tell you story about “how to cook beans scramble egg.” This is simple recipe and you just need only 3 (tree) ingredients to cook this simple food but so yummy and healthy. Let’s prepare ingredients before cooking this food.
Simple Beans Scrambled Egg Recipe

2 eggs
Garlic, onion, chili
Salt to taste
Cooking oil
How to cook:
The first chopped the beans became small. I love the small cutting the beans but this style for the beans is up to you. It’s ok if you love to cut little big then mine. Don’t forget to sliced garlic, onion and chili. I love spicy food, so I cut more chili; if you do not like spicy you can skip chili or you can change to used little pepper.
After already cutting the seasoning and also the beans, do not forget to mix the two eggs. Then let’s take the pan and oil wait till them hot. You can continue put the garlic, onion, and chili until fragrant; do not forget the beans too after the seasoning almost brown. Put the slices beans cook it for a while.
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Then continue with the egg, mix them while the egg still not cook well. Do not forget to put little salt to taste; because without salt the food will not completed and perfect to taste. If you skip the chili, you can add little pepper. Turn of the stove and the food already to serve.
This is my
favorite recipe because this is so easy to cook. You do not need spend longer
time in the kitchen. Practice and you will not feel so tired while in the
kitchen cook this food hahaha.
Channel Youtube Citra Pandiangan
Benefit Vegetable Beans for health
The benefits of beans are so many. Besides being delicious, the vegetables that are often found in "waroeng" and food stalls have turned out to have extraordinary health benefits. Whether it's sauteed, made as a complement to salads, until eaten raw as fresh vegetables, beans can add nutrients to your diet. Let's get to know the various benefits of these beans.
The Western world knows beans as green beans or snap beans. In the United States, beans are also used as a "companion" when eating a steak to add nutrition. Here are some of the benefits of beans that you can feel.
1. Help you lose weight
One cup of raw green beans only contains 31 calories. There is no fat in these green vegetables. What's more, beans only have about 3.6 grams of sugar. For those of you who are losing weight, beans can be a daily food choice.
2. Good for heart health
Snap beans don't contain cholesterol at all. That means, beans are good food for the heart. In fact, beans can reduce bad cholesterol (LDL) in the body, so the risk of heart disease goes down.
When eaten this beans, it just contain 2.7 grams of fiber. But when it's cooked, the fiber will actually increase to 4 grams. The fiber contained in beans can save you from heart disease, especially if you consume them often.
3. Prevent cancer
You might ask why are beans often so "companions" to eat steak? Be aware, meat that is grilled at high temperatures, has the potential to cause carcinogenic effects of heterocyclic amines that can cause cancer. As you know, beans contain high chlorophyll, which if consumed together with grilled meat, can reduce the risk of cancer by blocking these carcinogenic effects.
4. Increase fertility
According to Harvard Medical School, iron-rich foods can increase fertility in women who want to get pregnant. Beans also contain iron which is quite high, which is 1.03 milligrams (mg). If you want to consume it with the intention of increasing fertility, add vitamin C food, so that the body's ability to absorb iron is increasing.
5. Contains protein
One cup of raw beans contains 2 grams of protein. That's a sign of beans are high protein foods that can enhance the human immune system. In addition, the protein contained in beans can also maintain healthy bones, hair, and muscles.
6. Source of vitamins Beans, delicious that can "blend" with any food
Are you looking for vegetables with abundant vitamins? Don't bother anymore, just buy beans. Because of these vegetables contain vitamin C, which can boost the immune system and protect skin from oxidative stress. Vitamin A contained in beans can improve vision, immune system, and reproduction. Not only vitamins A and C, beans also contain vitamins K, E, B1, B3, and B6.
7. Contains minerals
Calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, to zinc are some minerals that are needed by the body, and can be found in beans. Beans also contain manganese, a mineral that can increase metabolism and have antioxidant abilities. In addition, manganese can also support bone health and accelerate wound healing.
So, this recipe of the bean scrambled eggs is very easy to cook and healthy. You can try it and love to eat this in your morning time for breakfast. Mostly, when breakfast, you need egg to give you protein and energy, am I right! So, why you do not try this simple recipe of bean scramble egg.
Happy Story start from You
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